2015.10 HareDB is now officially the Cloudera cerftified Technology..
2015.07 is-land was once more invited to jointly launch the 2nd Big Data Analytics for Semiconductor Manufacturing with NTHU and TSMC.
2015.05 is-land signed Producing study cooperation research plan with NTHU and is subsidized by the HSP for the development of Data Adapter and Query tools for NoSQL Database and its application.
2015.04 is-land is invited to join the Big Data association, which is established by the Taipei Computer Association, and become the convener of the Data Application Division.
2015.02 is-land received Certificate of Appreciation from the hsinchu city government for supporting the sheltered workshop for the disabled.
2014.10 Hare Database Systems is honored with the Golden Award of the TOP 100 Innovative Products 2014 of IT Month.
2014.10 is-land was invited to jointly launch the 1st Big Data Analytics for Semiconductor Manufacturing with NTHU and TSMC.
2014.07 HareDB HBase Client 1.98.01 released.
2014.03 is-land is invited to give speech in the DAF 2014 Taiwan of DIGITIMES.
2013.12 Product of Hare Database System earned the Innovative Product Award 2013 of the Hsinchu Science Park.
2013.12 HareDB HBase Client 1.94 released.
2013.08 The integration of HBase and HiveQL is completed, and the free trial version is provided for user to download. Our Hare team achieved the leading position as the Hadooper.
2013.06 Hare team members attended the HBase Conference in San Francisco, CA to talk to several committee. And the agreement to be in alliance with related companies are signed.
2012.11 HareDB HBase Client 1.0 is officially release and is provide as free trail for users to download, and new updated versions were provided continuously.
2012.10 Complete the first project to integrate the application on RDB and HBasein the semi-conductor manufacture industry.
2012.09 Hare team officially became the partner of MapR, one of the top vendor of Hadoop platform, to provide the technical support and sales service in Taiwan.
2012.08 New office settle down at current location: 3F, No.4, Prosperity Rd., Science Park, Hsinchu.
2012.06 hareDB.com is published to provide the information for the Big data solution to integrate the Hadoop, HBase, Data Model Tool, and JackHare...etc. and is popularized to several projects.
2012.01 Innovation of JackHare is published. ( Connecting noSQL Database and compatible with the JDBC API of ANSI SQL) The adoption of our customers. In the meantime, part of the source code are released for users to download.
2011.05 Cooperate with the NTHU Department of Computer Science and get the allowance from the HSP Bureau for the R&D plan on the converter between RDB and cloud computing.
2010.12 Execute the project on automation system upgrade for the OEM fab. Replacing the existing applications with Object-Oriented and Web Service architecture made the performance of the efficiency and the scalability on production greatly improved. Also, the skill of planning on private cloud and related technical supports are applied to the IT Division.
2010.07 Officially approved to provide locate in the HSP. is-land is the 1st company continuously focus on clouding computing related research and development with former result in the HSP.
2010.03 Collaborate with partner companies to develop the system for reticle field defect analysis for semi-conductor industries. This project is integrated and validated in the fab and the analysis of big data and performance tuning are processed.
2009.04~11 Execute the projects for TFT-LCD vendors to manage the production schedule.
2009.04~11 Cooperate with the Information and Communications Research Laboratories to develop the defect analysis system for semi-conductor wafer.
2009.04~11 Complete the data analysis project for semi-conductor manufacturer to assist customers on system planning and flow design for integration.
2009.03 Complete the research and development on iSS - Sales Decision Support System and was introduced to LED Manufacturers and Analog IC design companies.
2009.03 Complete the project of data collection modules in manufactory and get the MES establishment project from the electronic manufacturer.
2008.122008~2009 Most enterprise cut the budget during the global financial crisis . As the "Happy Enterprise", Is-land System commit to execute the "3 noes" policy : have no layoff, no unpaid leave, and no wage reduction. Oppositely, is-land System devoted greater effort on the R&D of core components.
2008.07~10 Complete the project of integration with MES system in semi-conductor manufactory and this project mainly improved the functional modules and enhanced the performance of data collection.
2008.07~10 Complete the project for the panel vendor in the green supply chain to process the validation on thousands of materials and modify the existing complicated BOM in existing ERP system.
2008.07~10 Complete the project of Purchase Management System/Material Management System for the Cell Phone vendor which helps customer to extend the existing system module and features.
2008.07 Start up